Creating a new look for CE Solutions
/Here at CE Solutions, the purpose for our structural engineering firm is to improve the quality of life in the communities where we work.
Our work can involve designing the structural system for a new building or addition. It can involve renovating or repurposing a facility. Or, it can involve analyzing an existing building or structure and providing recommendations for needed repair or strengthening.
The common thread is that each engineering solution we design supports the purpose of the structure and improves quality of life for those who use it. So, we’ve decided it’s time to improve the quality of how we represent ourselves as a company. CE Solutions has a new look that more accurately captures the purpose and attributes of our firm.
Through our process of refreshing our brand, we considered who we are as a firm and what we value, as well as outcomes of internal and external perception surveys and our strategic planning activities.
Our refreshed identity captures CE Solutions in a more symbolic way. We strive to bring a high level of care to each of our projects and relationships. The refreshed colors, fonts and mark in our new logo symbolize this care, as well as what we focus on bringing to clients and collaborators—peace of mind during the project process, successful results, and a relationship that lasts far beyond the project’s completion date.
The symbolism reflected in our logo reiterates and advances our founding principles of solid relationships, mutual respect, integrity and ethical practice.
I’m excited to unveil our new look to you today! We appreciate and value our relationship with you and look forward to continuing to be true to our purpose and help our clients be true to theirs.
Until next time!
Steve Osborn, PE, SE, FSMPS, CPSM
President, CE Solutions