I am all about the adventure! Give me a project that takes me off the beaten path any day – whether it’s exploring dark utility tunnels or hiking to inspect old cabins nestled high in the mountains. I believe those hidden structures are just as important as the ones we see every day. I’m on a mission to keep them safe and sound for years to come.

When it comes to why I do what I do, it’s all about preserving history while making way for the future. Whether I’m revamping an old building or helping design a brand-new structure, I enjoy tackling the unique challenges each project throws my way. It’s like solving a puzzle and knowing that I’m helping preserve our architectural heritage for generations to come makes it all worthwhile.

CE Solutions is not just a workplace, it’s a family. The projects are cool, but it’s the people here who really make it special. I’ve been lucky enough to have some amazing mentors and colleagues who’ve had my back every step of the way. It’s a place where I can grow, learn, and really make a difference. That is something I’m truly grateful for.